Last week during The Trend show that is aired on NTV, Famous socialite Vera Sidika was a guest there. The show hosted by Larry Madowo hosted Verah and like any other Tv interview that goes on air, hers met that vicious audience that has no mercy. The audience is greatly known as KOT(Kenyans on Twitter)
She became the trend all weekend long.
These are some of the tweets which roasted her:
#BleachedBeauty She just wanted love, she didnt know she could be loved the way she was
— john orwa (@johnorwa) June 9, 2014
#bleachedbeauty y'all h8tn on #verasidika girl just fllwng philosophical quotes
— moses kamau mokua (@mmkamau20) June 9, 2014
Why are u judging @vee_beiby? Maybe Vera is trying to raise awareness about Albinism, have you guys thought of that? #BleachedBeauty
— Mulei® (@muleim) June 9, 2014
People spend too much money to change things they don't necessarily need, to impress people they don't even like. #BleachedBeauty
— Patrick Lumumba (@PLO_Lumumba) June 8, 2014
"@KevinOdhiam: "@paroh_mzitow #bleachedbeauty Life cycle of bleached skin""
— teacha (@mozartmamicha) June 9, 2014
Its the height of idiocy when you attack the girl on campus diva and defend Vera Sidika. They are both pots and Kettles.
— SokoAnalyst (@SokoAnalyst) June 7, 2014
I hear other socialites are now demanding national dialogue with #VeraSidika @WillisRaburu
— Waihiga Mwaura (@WaihigaMwaura) June 6, 2014
Vera Sidika's Weave before she got the "Oil Tycoon" to buy her a 150K Weave
— Follow ME!! \o/ \o/ (@xtiandela) June 6, 2014
Seems like Vera Sidika has also bleached her Accent #TheTrend
— Follow ME!! \o/ \o/ (@xtiandela) June 6, 2014