As reported Cityville Mombasa's Walexx the fire started at around 5pm and spread fast through the two storeyed godown building located in Leisure area, Kongowea, near Makaburini.
Cause of fire is not clear though.
A day security guard on duty identified as Mr Sudi who works for Burhani Security Services had allegedly been locked inside the premises but managed to jump out of the premises as fire started to swallow the building.
Fire fighters from the Mombasa Fire Brigade, Port Fire Brigade and Radar Security Company and private water boozers battled the fire for over four hours.
Police led by Kisauni OCPD, Julius Wanjohi had a rough time controlling a surging crowd that attempted to get closer to the scene and prevent looters from carrying away valuable property.
Goods that included furniture, office equipment, chipboards, imported sheets, glass windows and PVC frames were destroyed in the inferno.
Kongowea ward representative, Jabees Mudhai Oduor in whose area the incident took place lauded fire fighters for their effort in trying to control the inferno.
He said that plans were at an advanced stage to build a fire substation on land identified near the Kongowea Health Centre.
"The county government has made the necessary budgetary allocations and it is only a matter of time before we have a fire substation operational," he said.