You Got Know the School of Hip Hop Mombasa

What? If you got talent in music for example Hip hop do you need to go to class?
I heard about  this Hip Hop school that has started with its founders being  KAA LA MOTO and RHYMEZ INTELLECTUAL CHIEF (R.I.C)
Its name is Holycraft and is involved with D'STREET STUDIOS to give those intended lessons in Hip Hop.
But the lessons are actually not Hip hop as they describe on their profile
They are aiming at helping youths avoid the use of drugs and addiction, AIDS, Poverty, supporting orphans and promotion talents to youths in Mombasa.'hiphop CULTURE' is given a high priority at this school available silicon dimensions of the building in la TWAAYF shellybeach foundation.Teachers WISE and WISDOM foster talent and educating the public about the beauty of hiphop hiphop. Many think Hip hop heads are vanity, abusive and violent. No, Teacher Kaa la Moto says totally different as he claims Hip hop helps people get to understand each other, respect and stay together as people of a hood
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About Anonymous

He is the CEO of Cityville Mombasa. Reach him on 0728622801 or