Dickson Waweru of RingRing entertainment Claims Eve the Mombasa Event Organizer is a CON-WOMAN

Ringring Entertainment CEO Dickson Waweru claims that The famous controversial Mombasa based events organiser Eve Adhiambo popularly known as Eve Queen is a con-woman. This was after they allegedly disagreed over a debt of 20,000ksh Waweru had lent to her sometime in July. 

According to Waweru,Eve approached him on July 4th and borrowed the said amount to aid her fly-in some artistes to Mombasa for the Nzumari pre-party slated for July 5th. Since then ,she has gone underground and no longer answers Dickson's phone calls or replies to his messages.
Eve has always had issues with several people if you can remember. She has had a controversy with Chege Chigunda sometime back and other event organizers like Beyonce and others.
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About Anonymous

He is the CEO of Cityville Mombasa. Reach him on 0728622801 or gangsta6g@gmail.com