Two weeks ago there was battle on social media when producer Petrooz of Stantmastaz Records claimed that music produced by Fruit loops has poor quality. Many producers came viral claiming they ve used fruit loops for a long time and what comes out is quality music.
Producer Teknixx of Kelele records has come out too to say that the software you use does not matter. He says the skill to produce good music and professionalism in your work is what gives quality music. He had written this however in response to some producers in Nairobi who claim Logic Pro is the best music production software.
This what he wrote on his facebook wall:
"Av realised top artistes and producers wa nai hutumia statement "kuna logic pro" kama excuse yakutofanya kazi na wenzao. Dont judge a producer by the software that he uses to produce. . . mziki ni the person making it, sio what he uses to make it. kuwa na logic pro, ama protools ama sijui software gani wont make you a gud producer. nakuundiwa music nayo cant make u a gud artiste . . . its way more than that"