Where are the Mombasa Hip Hop Ladies?

It somehow came to my realisation that there are not much featured coast hip hop ladies. I mean hip hop head artists.
Come to think of it even ordinarilly coast female musicians are very few. Maybe if they are there then very underground. I can bet I only know Nyota Ndogo and she is one that her music is International.
Now for Hip Hop I hardly know any. Maybe the 16 year old Yome(Wawesh Mjanja's daughter) who is affiliated with Wazushi the hip hop crew of mtwapa.
The Music promoters of Mombasani do something and nature our female talents as you do to the male ones.
You can even do a talent search the way other cities or countries do.........
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About Anonymous

He is the CEO of Cityville Mombasa. Reach him on 0728622801 or gangsta6g@gmail.com