Yesterday an argument started over the social media by Mitaa Kisauni and Gates Mgenge. If you read what I wrote earlier... this is how Mitaa Kisauni has been updating since yesternight. This updates I suppose are directed to Gates Mgenge who has not responded yet.
I dont know where this is going but its not happenning right.
These are the Posts by Mitaa kisauni
"Gates Mgenge wewe si Mungu na hujafika wakuitwa shetani nitakushow mimi ni gheto super star talent yangu itashine in the name of Jesus Christ!"
"Usijisumbuwe ambiya gurupu lako liharibu jina langu vile wanavyotaka nitukaneni ama vipi bora tusionane ana kwa ana"
" Unavyoniona nishajipanga!"
"Hate me in facebook i got love in the streets!"
Leave your comments here on what you think about this whole issue