A Mombasa based doctor claims that most politicians from the region can not rise to the occassion when it comes to bed room matters.
The chairman of the National Council of Association for Alternative Complimentary Medicine and Research Dr Abdillahi Fassy said that he receives at least 20 new cases of people with problems of impotence, most of them being politicians and office workers in Mombasa.
“Every day, I receive at least 20 new cases of men who cannot rise to the occasion. Some married women come to me saying they have no feelings towards men. Most of them work in big offices. I rarely have casual labourers coming for treatment,” claimed Abdillahi.
He attributed this serious problem to poor lifestyle coupled by fast foods and accumulated stress.
“I have attended to very senior people, including businessmen, senior county government officials and politicians who come to me pleading for treatment. They tell me they are not happy despite being wealthy and famous,” said Abdillahi who actually advocates for traditional foods such as mnavu, mchicha (amaranth), yams and sweet potatoes to deal with the problem.
He said most of the men resorted to drinking alcohol while others used Viagra to enhance their stimuli.
“If a woman is not sexually satisfied by her man, she will be arrogant and unruly. She may also look for another man. But a satisfied woman is very submissive and treats her man like a king. The inability to satisfy their women is the reason there are many cases of divorce and disagreement among local politicians,” said Abdillahi.
Abdillahi uses herbs, supplements and aphrodisiacs such as moyo wa mnazi (heart of palm), papa (shark meat) and octopus meat to treat impotence.
Source: SDE