Rap dem the queen of Mogengesani wants to quit music. A few weeks ago she terminated her contract with A Million Records which did not end well.
Now to embark on something that is related to music in entertainment industry she wants to join The Laugh Industry.
Through her facebook wall this is what she had to say:
"Official Minusing myself from Music industry and adding fully in Comedy ...after doubtn myself too, had to do my own ivestgation 1001 people say am little funny but if i decide to grow, then am a big thing, now wanna grow. leave alone my classmates, people who leave around me, my family they serve as major witneness, anyway i dont need to prove this, wanna wish my fellow al da best , and thanks to everybody who was behind me since 2011 when i started my music career, its funny & fun being in Music, Just wish me al da best as i work on my new Career , i know of more challenges we cant avoid them, am so ready to work on them, coz challenges makes us who we are today, strong and couragious, kindly allow me to do what i feel am comfortable with.. your views, advise are highly appreciated thank you very much, God bless... WE the people."
We wish her all the best in her new Venture