In the story we had written earlier about Mama Sizo being conned.... Now she came out clear and sent us an open MAIL to the public.
The MAIL has all the details about the Whole saga.
The MAIL reads
Thats an official statement to clarrify the wrongs in your story about me, Mama Sizo...
Its true, that we had a Talent Search and the final will be held this month,31of Aug... Am appologizing for the delay, but I was held up through some family issues in Germany where I had to travel urgently...
Now to your story...
No one of my team like Producer Noor Mwamba Records, Archy Kawere, Dj Gates Mgenge of Pwani Fm, Hassan Faisal of Coastal Films have never ever conn me or Hornet Records...
The only one who has ever conned me and Hornet Records Mtwapa ksh400000 , was, FRED MCHESH aka BACKSTREET ENTERTAINMENT and his Cartell...He was the main con man, but the brain head beyond everything is someone else, whom I dont want to disclose at the moment, because the investigation is not done yet from CID. It is a Cartell from several people like Salome Ngari, Lucky Douglas,Sylvia Rita, Fred Peter, Everlyne Owuor... Its all reported under the Mtwapa Base OB Number 35-14-5-2013 and its being handled at the moment from the CID Headquarters Mombasa...
The CID are also with the recorded evidence from FRED MCHESH aka BACKSTREET ENTERTAINMENT, where he announced himself very proudly, how he and his team have had conned me, the stupid mzungu woman and Hornet Records... he didnt care, that the money he got out of us, was meant for upcoming artists...
He conned me as Mama Sizo, Hornet Records, Susumila, Producer TK2, Chikuzze, Dj Gates, Producer Noor, Papah, Lady Conny and others who was told from him the fake deal.
I am proud to announce, that Susumila is our Artist Manager and we do really appreciate the way you(Cityville Mombasa) are writing over us, me, empowering my team and the Label Studio Hornet Records but please,please,please,try to rectifice your previous story over me and the spoiled names who was not involved.. We need assistance from any and every where to continue with our projects, to ensure, that the Studio is rising up to empower more artists whose talent is hidden...
I am very happy to inform you, that by now, we have signed 3 Artists (Papah, Sandy, Kigoto) and we are working close with, Sudiboy, Chikuzze, Escobar, Ali B, Jonny Scanny, Wyre and Nonini together...
We are welcoming any Artist, who has interest to work with Hornet Records to visit us. We will launch soon our 2nd Studio Album, Hornet Records Vol.2 and you are all invited...
Thanks so much for your time and hope, you will still be with us...
Lots of love... Kisskiss...
End of MAIL
This is the whole truth from her. Keep it Cityville for more updates. We apologize though for somehow not having the clear information.