If you thought it is only Jaguar and Prezzo who flaunt their money and show what they have on social media, then you re somehow wrong.
Our own Mombasa based rapper Sleem G outa Limits also shared a photo of him in his car with some cash on his hands. Sleem G who is majorly known for his unaweza Campaign had this to say the photo:
"Not everyone is born a great leader but it is a skill that can be learnt through practice and experience. However, in order to become a great leader you have to understand one fundamental principle – you can never force people to follow you. The only way you can become a leader is by setting a great example and by putting together a team that is pulling together in the same direction and towards the same target."
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” 'CHANUKA UJITEGEMEE. 'M-MUSIC."