Sometime last year when Hornet Records Mtwapa was initiated, it started a talent search program. The program was meant to audition Mombasa's upcoming talents and nature them to their dreams. It was good move by the record label and many hoped it will give the best.
The label held talent search concerts to audition upcoming artists and shortlist some who were to be signed and managed by the label.The label has Susumila as the Artist manager. Mama Sizo (Who is origin is from German) as the promotion manager and the producer is TK 2.
As Ohms law Montana states, the auditions were not free, you were to pay non-refundable audition fee. The artists who were shortlisted for finals were:
1)Humble B. -Malindi
2)Castelo - Mariakani
3)Ohm's Law Montana -Kisauni
4)I.P.& C. Dorf -Mtwapa
5)Mr.Rish Mizuka- Magongo
6)Princessa -Mariakani
7)Wakawanza -Vipingo
8)Lady Ella -Mtwapa
9)K-Moe Msanii -Mariakani
10)Ochi - B -Magongo
11)Jay Madini -Mariakani
But after this shortlisting they ve never been contacted for further information of whether they were to get the final audition or not. Look at what Ohms wrote on his wall.
"nishadhulumiwa hadi na mjerumani wa Hornet...its bn 1 n 1/2years still waitin 4da grand finale"
Post by Ohms Law Montana.