Drama unfolded at Khadija Primary School on Friday evening after Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko and Mombasa Governor, Ali Hassan Joho, had a heated argument and exchanged blows.
An argument started after Sonko said the Jubilee Government has proved Coast leaders wrong after residents voted for Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (CORD) in the March 4th election.
Sonko also is alleged to have told Joho off and CORD leaders for opposing the issuance of title deeds to Coast residents saying majority of CORD leaders have hundreds of acres in Lamu.
As the melee ensued, Sonko tried to throw some jabs at Joho. But Joho, who has muscular and well built body, knocked Sonko down to the ground forcing President Uhuru Kenyatta to grab Joho who was raining some heavy blows to helpless Sonko.
From eye witnesses it is said that some of Sonko’s gold necklaces fell into the grass due to the impact of the blow and he was helped by his bodyguards to find them.
The Head of State is said to have summoned the two to Mombasa State House where he read the riot act saying they are portraying the Jubilee Government in bad perspective