Coast music entertainment online reporter Godwin Wambua who is the CEO of Habari za mombasani usanii has today declared a war on the radio presenters who take bribes.
It is said they get bribed to play music especialy from upcoming artistes.
HABARI ZA MSA USANII has launched a campaign dubbed 'coast musik against bribes' to enlighten the musicians and the society at large the ugliness and problems the coast music industry faces.
He has welcomed all coast entertainers and music lovers to support him in his campaign against this tragedy facing upcoming musicians.
Cityville Mombasa is in support of this move by Habari because this will help upcoming musicians live their dream through fair airplays.
The bribing of radio presenters is evident from a previous post and survey we did on facebook.
See how people had responded:
"kulingana na utafiti wangu,wengi wa wasanii husema ngoma zao hazichezwi sababu hawatoi donzi kwa ma presenta"
" Kwa kweli mapresenter kiupande mwengine wanaleta vipaji vya mziki pwani chini kutokana na swala hilo....utapata msanii anajitahidi anafanya kazi yake anagaramika alafu wewe presentar bado unamnyanya eti akate ndio umchezee! Haki kweli hiyo?"
" mziki ni pesa kuitisha mapresenter hawataacha leo,ni kitu kilianza kitambo sana.kwa upande mwengine mapresenter wengi hapa mkoani wanalipwa mshahara duni hii pia inachangia.."
" Kuna mapresenter wengine hawachezi track mpaka washkishwe cheda"
We are asking all artists both upcoming and established to assist curb this. You can report a presenter if he/she asks to be bribed or you say here and maybe record some evidence so that he/she can be publicly exposed.