Kupata Mwanaume mzuri ni kazi, especially if you're used to dating men that don't usually fulfill your expectations. For you as a lady to attract a nice guy, it's important to look at the kind of activities in which you engage or the lifestyle you lead. Men who are interested in committed, long-term relationships tend to have a certain set of values or character traits that you can look for. To find these men, or to attract one you already know, make sure you're looking in the right places.
Pay attention to where you spend time. If you want to attract a nice guy but are spending every night at a dive bar, you probably won't run into him. Ask yourself what interests this kind of man would have. For example, if you want a guy who loves to read, join a book club. Put yourself in the path of where a nice guy would be on a day-to-day basis.
- Join an online dating site. Many times, nice men can be hard to find because they may keep to themselves with work, close friends and their hobbies. Online dating can be one way to meet a nice man since you get to know his personality before making snap judgments about his physical appearance.
Be the partner you want. If you want to attract a nice guy, be that way yourself. Adapt the kind of qualities you're looking for in a mate. Nice guys typically want to date someone they can trust and someone on whom they can rely.
Look for a nice guy at work. The office can be a place to find this type of man since you can assess his character by his work ethic. If he's dedicated and loyal to his job, he probably will also be that way with you.
- Make the first move. Sometimes, a nice guy is a shy guy who won't hit on you with a pick-up line. Be friendly and strike up a conversation with him. Once the ice has been broken, he may feel more comfortable asking you out.