Huddah Monroe could have heard from rumours that some celebrity with the name Paul has died.
She did not know whether it is Paul Wall or Paul Walker. May be because she is not a fan of movies from Hollywood.
She killed famous rapper Paul Wall by tweeting that Paul Wall is dead later to realise she was wrong and deleted the tweet. It was actually Paul Walker of Fast and Furious Movies who had died through a tragic accident.
However Kenyans as usual got the tweet and trolled on her mercilessly for that mistake.
This the screen shot of the tweet she did:
These are some of the tweets from Kenyans hitting on her:
Rashad @ishrashad Yes sir, will that be the "For dummies" edition or the newly introduced "Huddah Monroe" eValmy Kanyiri @valmyK "Too blonde for life!!!"RT @HUDDAHMONROE: RIP Paul Walker! Real baller! No fake life ,no poser ,this is so sad!
Ati Huddah's IQ sits comfortably at room temperature? Laawd!! - @Kevo0h
Class ya kina Huddah ikiwa full unaweza sema "the whore class is present" =')) - @Domimapesa
Apart frm Huddah Man u are also the laugh of my life - @Uncouthos
Hahaha...if u want to hide something from Huddah put it in a book. - @IddJoBaba
So according to huddah paul wall is dead and addis ababa is a country?? - @RkoDominic
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