With time If no one is paying attention to you it means just one thing you are dying both in life and business or musically. Actually that is a cold death Kiss.
Some people always say criticism is worse than getting ignored, but it’s not. Criticism means “they”…
A) ..want to help you become better
B) ...hate your guts and want to make sure you know it.
Either way, they care enough about you that they take the time to communicate with you.
So what some people actually do to make themselves get real attention, they try to do something crazy. They don't want to know its impact on them.
Good examples are the rising type of Kenyanns called Socialites. All of them are trying to take nude photos and posting them on social media so that they get attention. Talk of Huddah Monroe, Verah Sidika, The Controversial Pendo and not forgetting our own Tujuane Alumnae Angel Maggie...... all of them have done it.
This can tell you one thing 'attention seeking and popularity'
One thing they forget, with time, they will look at what they did before and wonder if they are the ones who actually did that!!! attention will not be of priority then.
Other class is the artists who were in the limelight but went down due to some reasons. now they try to come back by dissing or starting an argument to those rising. this makes people start talking about them thus, Attention gained.
These ones later too when they grow up will realize it was just pure nonsense.
The last class is Our blogging class........ that one I wont say it Otherwise I will be seeking attention......
Just to make people remember you or keep talking about you, do the best and hard-work in whatever you do. As simple as such.....