Bingwa Ordinare Said the truth in his song that has led to a Beef with CANNIBAL

Coast artist BINGWA ORDINARE  who does heavy weight hip hop released a track in which he gave his views on current music industry in coast. In his lyrics BINGWA ORDINARE hit on what he feels hinders most, the coast music industry. He accussed in his track the Music copyright Society of Kenya. He accused them that they concentrate on Nairobi Music and forgetting the coast music industry.'Tuzo wanapewa wao,faida ni kwao tu sisi hawatujui hawatutambui'

He accused Cannibal too for abandoning his hometown and Relocating for Nairobi. He said Cannibal has abandoned his fellow coast artists.
This is how the lyrics went  .'Alipofanikiwa ametusahau sisi wenzake na rafiki zake tuliomjenga na kumkuza'  
This has led to a beef developing between Cannibal and Bingwa Ordinare. Cannibal heard this song and felt he has been abused and accused falsely because for him that is not true.
Bingwa Ordinare says though that he is only saying the truth and doesn't fear anything in delivering his message.

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About Anonymous

He is the CEO of Cityville Mombasa. Reach him on 0728622801 or